Planetary nebula HDW3

The HDW3 planetary nebula is a planetary nebula in the constellation Perseus. It is a large, ancient nebula, with a diameter of about 1 light year. Its distinctive braid shape is the result of the interaction of the central star’s stellar wind with the surrounding material.

HDW3 was discovered in 1986 by astronomers Hartl, Dengel and Weinberger. It is located at a distance of approximately 2,500 light years from Earth.

The central star of HDW3 is a white dwarf, which is the core of a star that has exhausted its nuclear fuel. The white dwarf’s stellar wind is blowing away surrounding material, forming the planetary nebula.

HDW3 is a popular object for amateur astronomers. It can be observed with a medium-sized amateur telescope.

Below are some key facts about the HDW3 planetary nebula:

  • Name: HDW3
  • Constellation: Perseus
  • Type: planetary nebula
  • Size: 1 light year in diameter
  • Distance: 2,500 light years from Earth
  • Central star: white dwarf

Distinctive features

The most distinctive feature of HDW3 is its braid shape. This shape is due to the interaction of the central star’s stellar wind with the surrounding material. The stellar wind is expelling the material, forming a cloud of gas and dust that is seen from Earth as a braid.

Another distinctive feature of HDW3 is its color. The nebula is blue in color, which is due to the presence of ionized hydrogen. Ionized hydrogen absorbs light from surrounding stars and re-emits it as blue light.


HDW3 is a popular object for amateur astronomers. It can be observed with a medium-sized amateur telescope. However, a dark sky is necessary to observe the nebula in all its splendor.

Best time to observe

The best time to observe HDW3 is during the northern hemisphere summer. This time of year, the nebula is high in the night sky.

How to find HDW3

HDW3 is located in the constellation Perseus. The constellation Perseus is one of the easiest to identify in the night sky. It is located in the northern sky, just above the Cassiopeia constellation.

To find HDW3, start by locating the star Algol in the constellation Perseus. Algol is a binary star that periodically fades. Once you’ve located Algol, look southwest to find the HDW3 nebula.


The HDW3 planetary nebula is a beautiful and fascinating object. It is a reminder of the life cycle of stars…