Researcher Workshop: WWT @ AAS235 (Honolulu, USA; 2020 January 5)

Are you a researcher curious about using WWT? Will you be in Hawai’i in early January for AAS235? Then you should sign up for the WWT workshop I’ll be leading, Making the Most of the AAS Worldwide Telescope! Here’s the abstract:

The WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is the AAS’s official tool for visually exploring humanity’s scientific understanding of the Universe. The open-source software underlying WWT’s visualization engine can power everything from interactive “live image” figures in journal articles, to exploratory data visualizations in Jupyter notebooks, to immersive custom websites, to professional-grade planetariums. This interactive tutorial will introduce attendees to the WWT software ecosystem in the context of its applications to research, education, and public outreach.

The workshop will take place on Sunday (January 5) from 1-2 PM. If you’d like to attend, sign up for the workshop while registering for the meeting. There is a discounted workshop fee of $15 that will be included in your overall registration fee.

Watch this thread for a detailed agenda and workshop materials, and feel free to ask questions, whether you plan to attend or not!

The tutorial is today! Here’s a short-link to the pyWWT tutorial notebook that will function this week only:

In the future, click on this link which will work indefinitely.