Sorry, this is a long post. I’m just trying to get the lay of the land for how Discourse works, because I think I can offer more useful input if I have a better sense of how Discourse behaves, and what our vision is for the community.
How does Discourse display questions over time? I’m assuming the most recent questions are the ones that would end up at the top by default, but would new visitors also be able to sort by number of responses/views/level of activity? Or can users vote on which responses are helpful, so people can promote those to the top? (Sorry, I might be able to figure some of this out just by looking around a bit more).
For example, if this becomes a truly active, useful community, I think there will be a lot of questions that we end up seeing over and over again, and we would probably want new users to be able to easily find/read those, rather than repeating the same questions.
Also, are we intending to prepopulate the forum with information we think people might want (like known FAQs, or Tutorials, like David suggests), or are we just going to see what kinds of things people ask and go from there?
Are there ways to tag posts, so we can filter through a bigger bucket more easily? For example, “Showcase” might include tours, new data sets, or new features. It should be easy to find just one subtype of those things, if we group them all into one category.
Here are some thoughts on topics that might be helpful. I’m not wedded to any of these; just throwing ideas out there.
Requests (what new tours do you wish someone would make? what datasets do you wish could be viewed in WWT that are not already available?
What features do you wish WWT had?)
How-tos (how do I get to that view someone showed at this workshop; how do I implement this cool thing I saw in a tour?) (I guess this would fall under questions, but “questions” somehow seems too broad to me. And maybe this is the same as tutorials, but tutorial seems a bit longer to me; and “how do I” might literally have a 1-step answer).
It might be helpful to have different categories for different types of users, but maybe this is too specific for while we are just getting started.