Hi everyone!
So, this is an extremely specific ask, but I’ve been poking around online and can’t seem to make any headway.
Essentially, I’m interested in controlling WWT with a Microsoft Kinect. I have really distinct memories of using the Kinect and WWT in tandem at the Adler Planetarium when I was younger. It was a little bit of a pain, but it was fun. In my research, I’ve seen demos online for what looks to be the exact system that was in use, but I can’t find the code online. Is it out there somewhere?
I found https://github.com/WorldWideTelescope/wwt-kinect-swing-control , but from what I can tell, this is an entirely different thing developed for an art installation.
Thanks for any help you can provide! I’m hoping I can relive some old memories! I mean, worst case scenario, maybe I’ll end up working with the SDK myself. WWT is an awesome project, thank you for everything you all do!