Can't find the moons of Saturn

@spacedome The context bar at the bottom of the screen (lower panel) will only offer fly to reference frames, of which WWT has the Sun, the 8 major planets, our moon, Pluto, and the Galilean moons. In order to visit other moons, like those of Saturn, you need to navigate to Saturn in the Layer manager (left panel, as shown in @Babak_Rm’s screenshot above), click the plus next to Saturn to open up its ref frame children (all the moons). If you have loaded up the Saturn Pack layers (Saturn Pack (September 2020)), you should be able to right click on the desired moon and select “track reference frame” - this will put you inside the moon and scrolling backward (or however you prefer to zoom out) will allow you to see the new texture maps.

After these steps, you can then add slides to a tour as you normally would and should be able to see the moons in the tour playback.